Frequently Asked Questions:
When is this year’s MobilePack™ for Feed My Starving Children (FMSC)?
Our MobilePack event is held every November. Check our homepage for specific dates for our next event!
Where will the meals be packed?
The event will be held at The Suter Company at 1015 Bethany Road in Sycamore, IL 60178.
Where do the meals get distributed?
FMSC is a need-driven organization that works through mission partners in about 70 countries around the world. The meals go where the need is greatest at the time of the MobilePack™ event. In previous years, our meals have gone to Haiti, the Philippines, Mexico, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the Dominican Republic.
How many meals will be funded?
Our goal is to fundraise enough to pack at least 1,000,000 meals a year.
How many volunteers are needed?
About ~5,000 volunteers will be needed for the event.
How old do you need to be to volunteer?
We welcome all helpful and capable volunteers over age five. Please review the guidelines at for adult supervision guidelines of young volunteers.
How much money has to be raised, and how can I donate?
We fundraise in support of Feed My Starving Children year-round, and the more money we raise, the more meals we can pack! No donation is too small. In addition to making a donation by check, cash or credit card, you can support this year’s event by buying a t-shirt, and one of the many “marketplace” items that will be on display at the event. To donate online now, visit our MobilePack donation site!
How much of my donation goes to the food?
92% of the total donations go directly to the food program. 8% goes to fundraising, administration, and overhead combined. FMSC has received the highest possible rating from Charity Navigator for over a decade.
How long has FMSC been in existence?
FMSC is a Christian 501c(3) non-profit organization founded in 1987 by a Minnesota businessman after he witnessed devastating hunger and starvation on a mission trip to Honduras. The first shipment of the current formula was shipped in 1991 and since that time more than ONE BILLION meals have been distributed to nearly 70 countries around the globe.
Has FMSC ever lost a shipment of food?
Since their inception, 99.6% of all FMSC meals have safely reached their destination and helped children in need. Before every shipment leaves the warehouse, a prayer is said over the meals asking God’s protection.
Do you have to be a Christian to pack the meals?
No. We welcome people of every faith to participate in our life-giving mission.
Can the hunger problem ever be solved?
Yes. There is currently enough food in the world to feed everyone. The model FMSC has created works and progress is being made. According to UNICEF, in the last 10 years the number of children dying each day from starvation and related causes has decreased from 18,000 per day to 6,200 per day. We believe that with many people working together we can continue this progress and someday virtually eliminate starvation on a world-wide basis.
What makes FMSC food so special for a malnourished child?
FMSC food was designed by food scientists at Cargill and General Mills to meet the nutritional needs of severely malnourished children. Each meal has 20 different vitamins and minerals that are specifically tailored to meet a child’s nutritional needs for one day.
How Can I Volunteer?
For volunteer information, check out the Volunteer Now button at the top of the page.